11am - Moonlight Lady - Jenny Moonlight

Moonlight Journey

Journey into your internal world and enter the sacred forest to meet your spirit guides.

12.15pm Edwin Courtenay

A Demonstration of Angel Mediumship

Edwin Courtenay has been seeing and communicating with Angels and Archangels for 32 years using his talents to guide others on their spiritual journey. Bringing forward powerful and fascinating teachings and insights and channelling potent angelic healing energy for his many clients throughout the world. In this demonstration of Angel Mediumship he will combine his clairvoyant ability with his spiritual mediumship and channeling as well as his extensive knowledge of the Angelic Kingdom to bring forward messages from those angels he sees around some of those present in the audience. The readings may contain information concerning the their Guardian Angel and overseeing Archangelic Patron as well as channelling messages concerning their spiritual path, psychic potential and life purpose

1.30pm Primrose Holistic Therapy

Upon Reflection

How reflective journaling helps you live a better life

2.45pm The Wiccan Lady

Kitchen Witchery and the Magical uses of Herbs

Kitchen Witchery and the Magical uses of Herbs - How to make lotions, potions and charms, spellcast and heal with the use of herbs, plants and roots. Simple recipes for anybody to follow.

4pm - Sarah Jayne from Sage Meditation and Ayurveda

Guided Mantra Meditation

Led by Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Therapist and Vedic Mantra Meditation teacher Sarah Jayne Young alongside Dan Conneely from Gen Zen Meditation, you’ll be guided into a group meditation based on the most ancient of techniques as popularised by figures including Deepak Chopra. These practices will show you that having thoughts in meditation is a good thing! Sarah & Dan will help your body settle into its most relaxed state, reducing stress, and alleviating the build-up of physical and mental tension. After the session, you will have the chance to ask questions on Ayurvedic practices and mantra meditations, including Vedic and Primordial Sound Meditation.